Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Unbeaten Path: Rappelling

The next day, everyone woke up extremely early because the sun hit our campsite directly so although it seemed as if it were already 10 am or so it was barely 4 am. I managed to sleep an hour more until 5 am when the sound of birds eventually woke me up again. After breakfast in the village we headed out to a damn for rappelling :D

IMG_2620The damn! It definitely looks scarier than what it really is.

IMG_2623getting our gear ready

IMG_2631IMG_2632IMG_2628This really reminds me of Harry Potter, a little at least, except the bridge is not made of wood.

IMG_2647IMG_2684IMG_2702Daniel, James, me and Alexander


Once we were geared up we had to climb down some stairs at the top of the damn and the guide would tell you to let go and start descending. I think the scariest part, and probably everyone would agree, was not going down but these stairs at the beginning and trusting to let go.

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